HOT-SET TEST APPARATUS(With software)Sensor's Hot-set test system is state-of-the art and user friendly interactive software is provided for the calculation of elongation and shrinkage. Covers a method for determination of elongation and permanent set under load at specified temperature of insulation of electric cables. Many important properties of cable vary depending upon the degree to which the material is cross-linked. This test method serves as a means for determining whether or not the depending properties are fully cross-linking. Apparatus Oven – Electrically operated and thermostatically controlled heating cabinet (oven) with controlled air flow. The air shall enter the oven in such a way that it flows over the surface of the test pieces and leaves near the top of the oven. The oven shall have a rate of air flow such as to give 8 to 20 changes per hour. Grips- Suitable for suspending test specimen from an upper grip in the oven and weight to be attached to a lower grip attached to the test specimen. Scale- To measure elongation Dies- In accordance with 4.1 of IS: 10810 (Part 7)-1984 ‘Methods of test for cables: Part 7 Tensile strength and elongation at break of thermoplastic and elastomeric insulation and sheath. Digital Temperature - Range 200°C, least count 1°C.
What we do?
- Endurance Test System for Thermostats
- Drop Test Apparatus
- General Endurance Test Apparatus
- Endurance Test Machine
- 28 Day Test
- Thermal Deflection Test For Thermostats
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